When you feel like you have something that you believe is going to benefit us, just remember this. Every product is not made for everybody. As much as it hurts to say that, hopefully it will take the hurt out of getting turned down.
Rejection will always be difficult, but it is not the end of the world. Everybody makes mistakes. No matter what happens, the outcome is always going to be out of everyone's control. Only in the end will we truly know the results. To put it another way, don't count your chickens before they hatch.
It may not be the answer you were looking for, but everyone deserves to know the truth. No matter how high your skill level is, there will be moments where your best will not be good enough. To those who have been there and done that, you know exactly what we are saying.
Every day is not the same. Remembering that phrase alone will take you far in your life's journey. Even with all the skill sets you have acquired throughout your lifetime, failing to adapt to change will not make any difference. Stay alert and trusting who and what you know will help you reach the pinnacle of your success every time.
The point is basically to keep everything simple. Every success story endures the test of time when people are not over reaching. Do not be one of those brands who reaches out to people who do not need or desire your services. Friends and family are always a good to have around when your brand needs to get on the right track.
Understandably, it is human nature to get as many as people backing your brand as humanly possible. Convincing as that concept may be, you will end up your hurting your cause than anything else.
Keeping the people who are close to you involved in your brand will ensure the security you rightfully deserve. One day, before you know it, you will have more customers contributing to your success. Figure out who those people are and quit putting yourself in to a position where you have to rely on the kindness of strangers. For what it's worth, that is all that needs to be said for now.